Industry Collaboration

As an engineering industry leader, you know that many recently graduated engineers — regardless of their academic preparation — are simply not ready to engineer from Day One at your company. This affects your bottom line.

Intuitively, you know universities must produce engineers who are not just technically superior but who can also work effectively, efficiently, and productively within multi-disciplinary teams.

The challenges we face in the 21st century — from the stable supply of energy in a carbon constrained world to the delivery of new products based on the fusion of engineering and the life sciences — cannot be accomplished by individuals or by technology on its own.

CDIO programs establish a framework within which universities throughout the world cultivate technically astute people who can apply their skills to guide the development of economically, socially, and environmentally acceptable solutions to technical problems.

Industry needs engineers who have been trained in the CDIO model.

By getting involved in CDIO, you can help inform and guide the processes that academic leaders take to instill and expand CDIO programs at their respective institutions. You can be at the forefront of the discussion about what industry needs in recent engineering graduates. And, you can network with like-minded professionals, both in academia and industry.

If you wish to get involved in CDIO, send an e-mail to: info [at] cdio [dot] org

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